October 2017 is my first year participating in the international phenomenon Inktober. During October, artists all over the world post art made with ink (pen & ink, water and ink, markers...) and post it on social media with the hashtag #inktober. For me, it's fun to participate in a worldwide social media event; but primarily, I decided to participate because felt that I was not using my sketchbook creatively enough, and social media just adds some measure of accountability to keep it up. (As does blogging.)
Every few days I plan to post my Inktober 2017 progress here on my blog. These are not necessarily "finished" or refined images, just experimental inking. Thanks for following along!
Day 1: Model boat that I bought at a garage sale, and some experiments with painting water in ink. You can tell I started in the upper left quadrant and got better as I made my way around...
Day 2: Shaker containing not curry, but black pepper. Also, an intimate look at the context of this shaker in my current life.
Day 3: Doodling among the drips. Not wild about my doodles (I wasn't concentrated much) but I fell in love with the texture of the drips!
Day 4: Two friends dancing on the metro platform waiting for the line 7 train. Except they didn't even board the train that came and went. They were too busy dancing in sync, trying to learn the same moves.
Day 5: Took my sketchbook to the bath to capture this silly double self-portrait in the metal reflection of the faucet.